Here the girls are being fitted for their boots and skis. They are so excited!!
Jordan's first trip up the "Magic Carpet." She has skiied once before, but that was 2 years ago, so they wanted to give her a little refresher course.
And here Maddie is off the Carpet, and listening to her teacher's instructions.
Jordan's first run of the day. She was just like a little pro!
And here is Maddie's first attempt - a little shaky, and with a few falls. But overall, not too bad for her first try!
And she's ready to go back up!
Aw, what a sweet, happy little face!
Jordan quickly progressed off the Carpet, and onto the ski lift. Here she is riding with one of the instructors.
Maddie got more confident and comfortable as the morning went on, but then she came in early, saying she was too hot (35 degrees can get ya when you're all bundled up and working hard!!) We figured she would be tired and ready to stop by lunchtime.
Jordan, however, was still going strong! She was riding the lift by herself and skiing down so quickly, we had a hard time keeping up with where she was!
Then, to our surprise, Maddie decided she wanted to go back out after lunch! By the end of the afternoon, she had mastered the lift, too. Yah, Maddie!!
So you might be wondering what Cody was doing while the girls were getting in all this skiing action. . . Well, he was keeping Mom and Dad on their toes inside the ski school building. He got bored of the toys and snacks pretty quickly, and decided he wanted to hit the slopes with his sissies!
So Dad took him outside for a while, and tried to keep him entertained. Back inside the building, he continually climbed on top of the chairs, daring Mom and Dad to try to stop him. He fell down several times, hid Mom's water bottle from her, and FINALLY took a short nap! Mom had a very short little break before he was back up and running. . .
The end of the ski day arrived (FINALLY, for Mom), but all too soon for the girls!! They both did an awesome job, and had a TON of fun! Whoo-hoo!!! (Can't wait til we can all be out there on the slopes together.)
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